College While In
High School
Which One is Right for You?
SUNY FMCC offers several programs for high school students to earn college credit prior to graduating. The credits earned can be applied to an applicable SUNY FMCC degree or certificate or transfer to other SUNY or private colleges and universities. It is important to work with the Admission’s Office of the schools you are interested in as certain majors may have different credit transfer requirements.
Talk to Us
Questions? Ask your teacher or school counselor about taking college courses or reach out to us directly.
The Benefits
There are many benefits to taking college classes prior to graduating from high school. Here are some of the major one’s students have told us. SUNY FMCC is committed to expanding access to higher education in our community to help prepare you for great careers!
at a significant cost savings. SUNY FMCC is the best return on your investment! -
of college-level courses to expand and open your mind to new knowledge and unlimited possibilities. -
which equips you for future college and career success. -
by showcasing your willingness to challenge yourself and document that you can complete college-level work. -
to lessen future course-load, making time to double major, take electives, or study abroad. -
and the vast online databases and resources within the SUNY System. -
for Early Admission students as well as PTECH BOCES students. -
to fulfill high school graduation requirements through completed college credit for the Early Admission and PTECH BOCES Programs.
Accreditation, Academic Standards, and Transfer of Credits
SUNY FMCC is committed to offering quality higher education for the students in our community. We aspire to ensure strong academic standards and prioritize the transferability of college coursework to both SUNY and private colleges and universities in our region and beyond.
SUNY FMCC is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education which requires periodic assessments and self-study evaluations as part of a continuous improvement approach. Further information can be found
For classes taught at high schools or BOCES, SUNY FMCC oversees each course to determine that the course content, student learning outcomes, and textbooks are equivalent to the same courses taught on the SUNY FMCC campus.
High School teachers teaching college classes at your high school work closely with FMCC professors to make sure the course material is taught at a college level. All College in the High School courses are subject to the same standards and policies as any other SUNY FMCC course. Please see the college catalog for course descriptions.
Courses taken while in high school will automatically apply to your degree or certificate if you choose to attend SUNY FMCC after graduation.
Students who plan to attend other colleges or universities will need to arrange for SUNY FMCC to send an Official Transcript upon conclusion of the course. This request form can be found on the Quick Links menu.
Most colleges require a minimum grade to award transfer credit, generally a grade of C. Please note that every college establishes their own transfer credit policy, therefore we recommend that you contact individual colleges to learn their transfer requirements before registering for a course.
College in the High School
SUNY FMCC offers a variety of college classes taught at participating high schools and BOCES. Most are general education courses which transfer to the vast majority of public and private colleges and universities. To participate in the College in the High School, students must be a junior or senior, receive a recommendation from a teacher or school counselor, and have a reasonable expectation of success in the course or courses.
FALL 2024 – SPRING 2025 Academic Costs
3-Credit Class - $231
4-Credit Class - $308
11-Credit maximum enrollment per term
The College will send a tuition bill directly to each student’s home address after the registration forms are received and processed by the Registrar’s Office. Teachers are not expected to collect any money.
Any prior outstanding balances must be resolved prior to the application deadline date to be registered for courses. Registration forms received after the deadline date may not be processed. If you have previously taken a College in the High School course and have a question about your account balance or questions regarding your Tuition and Fees statement, you can contact the Bursar’s Office at 518-736-3622, ext. 8604 or email
SUNY Fulton-Montgomery Community College has implemented a new procedure for student accounts with unpaid balances. Any College in High School account that is outstanding by the noted due date will be dropped from the course(s) and the student will not receive college credit for that course(s). This change is effective beginning Fall 2024.
Important Dates for the Fall 2024 Semester:
Last Day to Register: 9/19/2024
Deadline for Late Registrations: 9/27/2024
Deadline for Foundation Scholarship Applications: 9/27/2024
Deadline to Submit Certificate of Residence: 9/27/2024
** Drop Due to failure to submit Certificate of Residence: 9/30/2024 **
Last Day to drop a class without financial responsibility: 10/11/2024
** Tuition/Payment Due Date: 10/30/2024 **
Important Dates for the Spring 2025 Semester
Last Day to Register: 2/13/2025
Deadline for Late Registrations: 2/20/25
Deadline for Foundation Scholarship Applications: 2/13/2025
Deadline to Submit Certificate of Residence: 2/13/2025
** Drop Due to failure to submit Certificate of Residence: 2/14/2025 **
Last Day to drop a class without financial responsibility: 3/3/2025
** Tuition/Payment Due Date: 4/2/2025 **
Students who reside outside of Fulton or Montgomery counties are required to provide a Certificate of Residence (CR). Students who fail to provide a valid CR prior to the deadline date will be dropped from their registered courses.
If a student is registered after the deadline to submit their CR, they will need to appeal to their county to waive their deadline and issue a CR on their behalf. If the county issues the late CR, the student must submit that CR to the college by the next business day.
If a student who is dropped due to non-payment or failure to submit a CR would still like to participate in the College in the High School program, the student must submit a written appeal request to the Academic and Finance Review Panel for their review and consideration.
You can find more information about Certificate of Residency under Affordability.
Complete the Registration Form for College in the High School. All items on the registration form must be completed in order for your enrollment to be processed. Student and parent/guardian signatures are required. For each course in which you are enrolling, indicate the cost, course number, section, and teacher name on the registration form. You must be enrolled in the high school course AND registered through FMCC to take the course for college credit.
The FM Provost’s Scholarship can cover up to 50% of the tuition costs for eligible College in the High
School students, The criteria for eligibility follows:
1. Enrolled in at least 1 CHS class
2. Meets the free/reduced price lunch criteria
3. Has a current High School GPA of 75 or higher
4. Must not be a Smart Scholar / PTECH student
5. Completed application (to be emailed to the High School Guidance Office after
registration along with class rosters to determine eligibility - The application deadline for
scholarships for the FALL 2024 semester will be 09/27/2024.)
If students enroll for college credit and then can not complete the class for credit (including any scenario such as leaving the district, dropping the class, changing their mind etc., the FM Registrar’s office must be notified to cancel their college enrollment. The date the Registrar’s office is notified will determine if the student will be responsible for payment.
Students may drop the course (by completing a DROP form) and receive a cancellation of their tuition bill if they contact FMCC by October 11, 2024.
• After October 12th, students may withdraw from a course (by completing a WITHDRAW form) and will be responsible for tuition payment, even if they have not already paid the bill.
• For half-year courses, you may withdraw from a course and receive a grade of “W” (withdrawal) between October 12th and December 1st.
Students will still be responsible for tuition payment.
• For full-year courses, students may withdraw between October 12th and May 1st 2025 and receive a grade of “W”. Students will still be responsible for tuition payment.
• A student may not withdraw from a CHS course with a grade of a “W” after the deadline except in the case of special circumstances that are verified and approved by the Academic Dean.
• In the event that the college is not notified – the final grade will likely be entered in as “F”.
To drop or withdraw a student from a class complete the appropriate College in the High School Form and email to
If you are interested in becoming a College in the High School Instructor, please follow these steps:
Complete the CHS Instructor Application
Submit a current resume
Submit your unofficial transcripts-This allows us to maintain compliance with the Middle States Commission of Higher Education which requires that all instructors teaching courses for college credit have appropriate postsecondary training in the area in which they provide instruction.
Submit all documentation to
Your documents will be reviewed, and you will be notified by the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs of your status.
Additional Information for CHS Instructors:
Course Mentoring Contacts– FMCC has implemented a division chair system. The chairs will coordinate the course articulation process, the course observations and serve as your resource at FMCC. In the event a chair position is vacant, your liaison will be the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs.
Division Chairs:
Alex Henderson, Business
Julie Lindh, Social Sciences
Marty Waffle, Technology
Mike Youngs, Humanities
Ruth Scott, Math & Science
Course Articulation Agreement – An Articulation Agreement will be sent to you for each course that you are teaching; Read carefully, sign and return to
Course Syllabus Template – The FMCC official syllabus templates outline required elements for your CHS syllabus. The Course description on the syllabus must be identical to the description in the FMCC College catalog. Syllabus templates are available on the FMCC website. As a reminder, you must develop a separate syllabus for your CHS course which distinguishes the course from your secondary course syllabus. Contact your course liaison for assistance with preparation of your syllabus. A course syllabus must be submitted every semester that you teach a course, even if you have taught the course previously.
Course Student Learning Outcomes – Student Learning Outcomes (SLO’s) have been officially adopted for each FMCC course offering. Each course syllabus must contain the SLO’s that were approved.
Please note that all materials must be returned to FMCC by the appropriate deadline for each semester. Submission after the deadline may impact the course offering for that semester.
Please direct questions to
Below are the Syllabi Templates for College in the High School courses. If your Syllubus is not listed, please reach out to
Submit completed Syllabi to
ART 150 Two-Dimensional Design
ART 160 Three-Dimensional Design
BUS 101 Principles of Business
BUS 108 Introduction to Agricultural Business
BUS 115 Quantitative Business Applications
BUS 117 Hospitality Management
BUS 120 Essentials of Entrepreneurship
BUS 137 Business Communication
CAD 174 Computer Aided Drafting
COM 105 Basic Audio Production
ECO 180 Introduction to Economics
ELT 125 Electric Circuit Analysis I
ELT 126 Electric Circuit Analysis II
ELT 131 Industrial Automation and Robotics I
ENG 230 Literature and Identity
ENT 101 Intro to Entertainment Technology
FRE 202 Intermediate French II
HIS 105 American History to 1865
HIS 106 American History Since 1865
MAT 040 Elementary Algebra
MAT 115 Contemporary Mathematics
MAT 125 Introduction to Statistics
PED 202 Introduction to Sport Management
POL 101 Introduction to American Politics
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology
SCI 101 Introduction to Animal Science
SCI 136 Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology
SCI 161 Introduction to Physics I
SCI 162 Introduction to Physics II
SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology
SPA 201 Intermediate Spanish I
SPA 202 Intermediate Spanish II
THR 101 Introduction to Theatre
Early Admission Program
SUNY FMCC offers high school seniors an option to study at the College on a part-time or full-time basis as an Early Admit student. This program allows qualified seniors the opportunity to fulfill high school graduation requirements through completed college credit. Admissions Counselors work collaboratively with your high school guidance office to help you complete the early admission application process and ensure you are enrolled in all the courses needed to fulfill your high school requirements. There are typically 40-50 students accepted into the Early Admission Program each year.

This option is for seniors in the top half of their class. It requires a recommendation by your guidance counselor or high school principal to fulfill high school graduation requirements through completed college credit. Students may enroll full-time or part-time and take college classes on the FMCC campus or at their high school.

Seniors, who are not in the top half of their class and who are recommended by their school counselor or high school principal, may apply for the Early Admit Exploratory program at the College, taking courses which have no effect upon high school graduation requirements.

This program is for seniors in their top half of their class to help complete prerequisite classes needed to be a nursing applicant. In order to be accepted students must have completed Algebra I with a 75% or higher and regents Biology with a 85% or higher AND a regents exam score of 80% or higher. This full-time program also serves as an introduction to the rigor of college classes and the pace of a semester schedule.
Yes! Early Admit Students may apply for the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) after passing the Ability to Benefit Test administered by SUNY FMCC. They may apply for the Excelsior Scholarship provided they enroll in at least 15 credit hours and meet the eligibility requirements. Early Admit Students who are fulfilling graduation requirements may also apply for the FM Early Admission scholarship. However, Early Admit Students are NOT eligible for federal grants or student loans.
More information about financial aid can be found in the Financial Aid & Scholarships section.
Yes! Early Admission students can and should continue to participate fully in their high school sports, clubs, and activities. In addition, students are invited to participate in all activities and clubs at SUNY FMCC.
Smart Scholars
Amsterdam High School has developed a unique partnership with SUNY FMCC to give students a head start on college while saving their families thousands of dollars in tuition. Smart Scholars is designed to assist underrepresented students in earning college credit while attending high school.
More information about the Smart Scholars Program can be found at:
The Advanced Pathway College Credit Program is a free program that allows students to earn up to 25 articulated credits at SUNY FMCC that can be applied toward any academic program offered at the college. Students and families can save upwards of $6000 in annual tuition costs before graduating from high school. With this accelerated path, students have the potential to complete a two-year degree in a short period of time. This will allow students to meet their education and career goals earlier.
The expectation is that the students in the Advanced Pathway College Credit Program will be better able to compete when entering the workforce or applying for additional education.
Students enrolled in designated high school courses at Fonda-Fultonville and Mayfield who earn an 85 or better and have the recommendation of their high school teacher will be eligible for SUNY FMCC Advanced Pathway Credit upon enrollment in a program and registration of college courses at FMCC. FMCC must be the first college the student attends following high graduation to be eligible for the Advanced Pathway Credits. The student has two years following high school graduation to apply for SUNY FMCC Advanced Pathway Credit. No assurance is given that Advanced Pathway College Credit awarded through this agreement will transfer to any other post-secondary institution.
Further information can be found in the attached document about the differences between College in the High School and the Advanced Pathway College Credit Program.
PTECH, or Pathways in Technology Early College High School, is a 6-year program that incorporates project-based learning and professional skills training as students work toward their 2-year degree from SUNY FMCC or SUNY Cobleskill (depending on the degree pathway) at no cost to their families.
PTECH students enter the program as ninth-graders and simultaneously work toward Regents high school diplomas and associate degrees.
PTECH aims to look and function more like a hybrid between college and the workplace. It emphasizes individualized pathways to completion, workplace experiences, mentorship, in-depth project-based learning and real-world experiences.
PTECH students:
- Are motivated to learn in new and exciting ways
- Are innovative and creative
- Work well in a collaborative team environment
- Thrive in a non-traditional classroom setting
SUNY FMCC and PTECH have enhanced their partnership agreement to allow PTECH students to be eligible for intercollegiate athletics beginning in the Fall 2022 sports season. “At PTECH, we’re very excited about this expansion of opportunity for our students at FMCC. We believe that participation in college athletics leads to increased retention and graduate rates. We look forward to continuing to collaborate with FMCC to support our future student-athletes,” stated Matthew Davis, PTECH Principal.
More information about the PTECH BOCES Program can be found at:
Billing & Payment
The College While in High School Programs offer students the ability to earn college credit at a significant cost savings. Please note that for students outside of Fulton and Montgomery Counties, don’t forget to submit a Certificate of Residence in order to qualify for reduced in-state tuition.
Dropping & Withdrawing from Classes
If you enroll for college credit and then change your mind, you must notify SUNY FMCC to cancel your college enrollment. The date you notify us will determine if you will be responsible for payment. To drop a class, complete the Drop From Class Form. To withdraw from a class, complete the Withdraw From Class Form (will receive a grade of “W”), and send to FMCC’s Registrar’s Office at