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Community and Mental Health Resources


Call 855-604-5599 - available day or night, 24/7.  Open to students and other members of the SUNY FMCC campus community. 


Students who are in immediate crisis, contemplating suicide, or feel in danger of hurting themselves should contact the Mental Health Emergency Hotline number at 988 or go to their nearest hospital,

The SUNY Crisis text line is a confidential way for you or a friend to reach out for help. Text Got5U to 741-741 to get in touch with a trained counselor.


Advocacy specialist with survivor support services in fulton-montgomery counties

To support anyone impacted by sexual assult and sexual violence, Cassandra VanNostrand, Advocacy Specialist is on campus Thursdays 12-2PM in Academic Advising & Student Records, room N-107 E, during the fall and spring semesters.  A 24/7/365 hotline is available at 866-307-4086.

Captain Community Health Services

CAPTAIN Community Health Services ( seeks to uphold the dignity of each person by serving the basic needs of those struggling in the community that surrounds us. Our over thirty programs and services protect and nurture children and youth, strengthen families, connect seniors, resolve crises, feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, support the emotionally challenged, and empower all of our community members to build a brighter future for themselves and their neighbors. CAPTAIN CHS is located at the Family Counseling Center and also has a regular presence on campus. Inquire at The Commons for details.

Family Counseling Center on Campus:

FMCC, through a partnership with The Family Counseling Center has a counselor available on weekdays Monday- Friday 8:30am - 4:00 pm in Academic Advising & Student Records, room N-107 F.  Appointments are not required but are encouraged to avoid wait times.  Counselor: Jeremy Purtell available at or call the college at 518-736-3622 ext. 8148.

State University of New York resources:

Mental Health – SUNY ( is another resource for Mental Health Services. The text lines let students’ text, chat or use WhatsApp.