Fast Forward to Great Careers Without Great Debt!
SUNY Fulton-Montgomery Community College is located at the crossroads of the Mohawk Valley and Capital regions in Johnstown, NY. SUNY FMCC provides students with a quality education in an environment that nurtures success preparing them for great careers, without the great debt! With over 30 degree and certificate programs, we offer small classes, individualized attention, internship and study abroad opportunities as well as 100+ transfer articulation agreements with SUNY and Private four-year colleges and universities. Our direct-to-work Individual Studies program offerings produce a continual workforce pipeline to various industries and businesses within our region.
Campus features
Our campus has many unique features for our students as well as the community we serve. Take a stroll around our beautiful campus to see the Perella Sculpture Garden, attend an upcoming exhibition at the Perella Art Gallery, or take in a show at the recently renovated Rao Theater. SUNY FMCC also has a Childcare Center through a partnership with the Fulton County YMCA which can accommodate children for the community at-large if space is available as well as public access for Fulton and Montgomery County residents to Evans Library. Check out additional features below.

Perella Sculpture Garden
Home to sculptures created by artists Lawrence Faust, Paul Kant, Caroline Ramersdorfer, and John Van Alstine.

Allen House

Perella Art Gallery

FMCC Playmates Child Care Center
Empower our faculty, staff, and our students through opportunities, integrity, and a commitment to growth.
Empower our stakeholders through diversity, inclusion, engagement, participation, and partnership.
Empower our community through accessible, high quality, and relevant education.
E – Empathy – Attentive listening, speaking honestly, embracing cultural differences, and having compassion for divergent perspectives and opinions.
M – Mindfulness – Through critical analysis and integrity, embrace social justice and value the life, hopes, and dreams of everyone in our society without judgement and with kindness.
P – Perseverance – Commitment to growth and inner strength by continuing forward and remaining focused on a goal, idea, or obligation.
O – Opportunity – Seek and promote creative, equitable experiences that support personal growth and learning in a global society.
W – Wellbeing – Foster a safe climate of belonging, happiness, and mind- body connectedness as a diverse community that encourages learning from each other.
E – Engagement – Cultivate positive relationships and partnerships to deliver 21st century knowledge, skills, and competencies that support an equitable student experience.
R – Relevance – Collective attention to ever evolving student and community needs.
March 2021, Fulton-Montgomery Community College embarked on its strategic planning process led by a Strategic Plan Steering Committee. Members of this committee included faculty, staff, administrators, students, alumni, and a Board of Trustee. Stakeholders’ input, ideas, and thoughts were collected and yielded nearly 700 responses from internal and external constituents. The product of this work has formed a new framework from which the college and its stakeholders can work in partnership to adapt, connect, and leverage ideas, resources, and talent.
Click here to review the 2021-2026 Strategic Plan: Adapt. Connect. Leverage.
Campus Office Hours & Campus Map
Our beautiful campus is located on 195 acres in Johnstown, NY.
2805 State Highway 67, Johnstown, NY 12095
Fall & Spring Semester Hours*:
Monday – Thursday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Friday 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
*Hours change seasonally
Summer Hours*: Mid-May through July 31st
Monday – Thursday 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., Friday 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Winter Hours*: Mid-December through Mid-January
Monday – Thursday 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., Friday 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.