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Accessibility Services

FMCC offers a variety of reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. It is our goal to minimize physical, psychological, and learning barriers to students with disabilities. Services are individualized to meet the specific needs of the students.

According to section 145-2.1(a)(4) of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, for a student with a disability, “part-time study or attendance shall mean enrollment for at least three but less than 12 semester hours per semester or the equivalent, or at least two but less than eight semester hours per quarter.”

Start Here: Complete the Verification Form

What is a disability?

A disability is a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. These include:

Physical disabilities
Learning disabilities
Visual or hearing impairments
Chronic or temporary health problems
Neurological impairments
Communication disorders
Psychological disabilities

How does a student apply for services?

The student must disclose his or her disability.

The student must provide documentation of the disability. This documentation may include:

A current IEP (Individualized Education Plan)
A Language Proficiency Assessment
A current Psychological, Psychiatric, or other Specialty Report
Academic achievement reports

What types of services are provided?

Note takers
Personal sound system
Written assignments
Large print handouts
Scribes and readers
Computer software
Audio tape of lectures

Who do I Contact?

For individuals with learning, physical, emotional, neurological, or other disabilities, contact

Katherine Norman
Coordinator for Accessibility, Counseling & Alternative Testing Services
Office L-102, The Commons, Evans Library Building 518-736-FMCC (3622) Ext. 8145

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