Why study Business Marketing and Management AAS at FMCC
This program is designed to prepare our students with the core skills necessary to compete and succeed in today’s diverse business environment including starting your own business. Required courses include the organizational functions of accounting, marketing, finance, human resource management and business law. Exposure to these concepts provides our students with the knowledge they need, while introducing them to potential career paths that they can pursue through their choice of business electives.
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Career Pathways
Our region boasts a wide variety of career opportunities with competitive salaries in business. The positions presented are the most common career pathways FMCC graduates have taken and are just a sample of the many career possibilities.
The labor market and employer information are specifically presented for the Amsterdam, Gloversville, Capital District, and the Mohawk Valley regions. Salary information is based on estimates within the Capital District.

SALARY RANGE $36,162 - $63,722
Process new insurance policies, modifications to existing policies, and claims forms. Obtain information from policyholders to verify the accuracy and completeness of information on claims forms, applications and related documents, and company records. Update existing policies. (bls.gov)
Over 6,000 expected jobs in the region in the next 10 years.

SALARY RANGE $26,661 - $53,717
Verify and maintain records on incoming and outgoing shipments involving inventory. Duties include verifying and recording incoming merchandise or material and arranging for the transportation of products. May prepare items for shipment. (bls.gov)
Over 2,000 expected jobs in the region in the next 10 years.

SALARY RANGE $26,364 - $83,651
Directly supervise and coordinate activities of retail sales workers in an establishment or department. Duties may include management functions, such as purchasing, budgeting, accounting, and personnel work, in addition to supervisory duties. (bls.gov)
Over 5,000 expected jobs in the region in the next 10 years.
Salary information presented are estimates and can be different for each individual based on education, experience, and the specific employer.
Labor market data is based on 2021 estimates derived from Lightcast (Career Coach | Lightcast)
Some of Our Regional Employers
Our commitment to your career path goes beyond the classroom with continued expansion of hands-on internships, job shadowing, and job placement opportunities with over 50 regional business and organization exclusive partners, a career network of over 200 regional companies and organizations; plus Annual Job Fairs every Spring semester.

62 Credits
4 Experienced Faculty
100% of Program
Program Insight
This program is designed to prepare students for immediate employment upon graduation. For students looking to continue their studies at four-year colleges and universities, it is recommended that they consult with an academic advisor and consider enrolling in the Business Administration AS program.
Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to:
Apply effective oral and written communication, quantitative reasoning, and technology competencies to real-world business scenarios.
Demonstrate critical thinking, teamwork, collaboration, problem-solving, and decision-making skills that optimize business outcomes.
Identify how diversity and ethics impact the evolving global business environment.
Demonstrate core competencies in Accounting, Marketing, Economics, Management, Business Law, Information Systems, and Business Applications
Program Features
FAM Technology Center
FM Biz Hub (Business Club)
Get involved in social and service-oriented activities and take trips to such places as Boston, New York, Lake Placid, Burlington, Montreal, Quebec City, and Washington D.C.
Wall Street Club
Trips to NYC Financial District and Philadelphia Mint and NYC Federal Reserve Bank gold vault.
Money Smart Financial Coaching Program
This intrusive coaching approach is proven to improve students’ financial wellness and improve academic success.
International Business: Study Abroad
Take the opportunity to travel the world during spring break to learn about the global economy and business world.

Internship Opportunities
Students have opportunities for internships in their first or second year and have subsequently been placed in local and regional businesses.

This program may allow students to earn digital badges which verifies the achievement of in-demand skills and competencies. SUNY FMCC continues to expand opportunities for students to become more marketable to employers.
Course Highlights
Course Catalog
SUNY FMCC offers its catalog online in a downloadable PDF document that makes information on programs, courses and policies most current and accessible, while reducing impact on the environment. Additional information is available on the College’s website and portal. To read and search the FMCC Catalog, you’ll need Adobe Reader version 7.0 or later.
2024-2025 FMCC CATALOGProgram Course Layout
This program offers a variety of core business courses to prepare you for direct to work careers in various positions or start your own business. Here are just some examples.
Principles of Business introduces students to the exciting world of business. Students will learn the language of business, multiple areas of study, and career opportunities that are available to business majors. The course covers topics including, but not limited to: entrepreneurship, marketing, management, human resources, economics, global business, accounting and finance. Additionally, this course is designed to introduce students to systems, techniques and best practices that will help students be successful in business courses and their careers.
This capstone course is designed for students to apply the concepts they have learned in other courses to develop a comprehensive business plan. Students will develop a business plan for either a new business or to expand an already established business.
This course deals with the basic principles of management, with applications to entry-level and management positions. It covers principles, such as the nature and role of the manager, the decision-making process, and the traditional management functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.