Health Information
Records Management AAS
Why study Health Information Records Management AAS at FMCC
This program is designed to provide students with the technology and administrative skills necessary to pursue careers in current and emerging positions in the medical field. Students will learn about the practices and procedures that are critical for performing and managing the day-to-day operations of various medical office environments.
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Career Pathways
Our region boasts a wide variety of career opportunities in the medical field. The positions presented are the most common career pathways FMCC graduates have taken and are just a sample of the many career possibilities.
The labor market and employer information are specifically presented for the Amsterdam, Gloversville, Capital District, and the Mohawk Valley regions. Salary information is based on estimates within the Capital District.

SALARY RANGE $32,977 - $64,567
Compile, process, and maintain medical records of hospital and clinic patients consistent with medical, administrative, ethical, legal, and regulatory requirements. Classify medical concepts, including diagnosis, procedures, medical services, and equipment, into a numerical coding system. (
Over 700 expected jobs in the region in the next 10 years.

SALARY RANGE $26,177 - $48,464
Transcribe medical reports recorded by physicians and other healthcare practitioners using various electronic devices, covering office visits, emergency room visits, diagnostic imaging studies, operations, chart reviews, and final summaries. (
Over 160 expected jobs in the region in the next 10 years.
Salary information presented are estimates and can be different for each individual based on education, experience, and the specific employer.
Labor market data is based on 2021 estimates derived from Lightcast (Career Coach | Lightcast)
Some of Our Regional Employers
Our commitment to your career path goes beyond the classroom with continued expansion of hands-on internships, job shadowing, and job placement opportunities with over 50 regional business and organization exclusive partners, a career network of over 200 regional companies and organizations; plus Annual Job Fairs every Spring semester.

62 Credits
800+ JOBS
Program Insight
Graduates of the Health Information Records Management program have gone on to rewarding careers within the healthcare system in the region. This program also prepares students to take the Coding Certification Exam (Certified Billing and Coding Specialist or CBCS) exam from the National Health Career Association.
Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to:
Identify the knowledge and skills necessary to provide administrative assistance in an office.
Utilize oral and written communication skills necessary to provide administrative assistance in an office.
Characterize the knowledge and skills necessary to provide specialized administrative assistance in one of the following areas: administrative management, medical office management, medical coding, transcription, reception, or desktop publishing/multimedia.
Acquire the critical thinking and problem-solving skills necessary to provide administrative assistance in an office.
Portray importantance of personal characteristics and behavior on the job, when providing administrative assistance
Program Features
Hands-on Experience
Students have the opportunity to intern at a local hospitals, clinics, and medical offices.
Experienced Faculty
Learn from dedicated professors who have years of experience working in various areas of the business and medical fields.
Career Planning Support
Students have support from the Academic Advisement Office to guide you through your program as well as a career search course imbedded in the program.

Internship Opportunities
Students have opportunities for an internship as part of the Health Information Records Management program. Many students have subsequently been hired by local and regional criminal justice agencies.

This program may allow students to earn digital badges which verifies the achievement of in-demand skills and competencies. SUNY FMCC continues to expand opportunities for students to become more marketable to employers.
Course Highlights
Course Catalog
SUNY FMCC offers its catalog online in a downloadable PDF document that makes information on programs, courses and policies most current and accessible, while reducing impact on the environment. Additional information is available on the College’s website and portal. To read and search the FMCC Catalog, you’ll need Adobe Reader version 7.0 or later.
2024-2025 FMCC CATALOGProgram Course Layout
Course work emphasis is on document preparation, transcription and editing, medical billing and insurance verification, introductory medical coding, report development, office management, and administrative practices. Here are some of the courses you will take.
This course is designed to provide the students with an overview of the basics of patient care in Allied Health and related careers such as vital signs, body mechanics, and patient interactions. Emphasis is placed on core traits of a health care provider, the interdisciplinary team approach to the delivery of patient care, professional accountability in the health care setting, communication and etiquette, consumer education, and cultural competence and diversity.
This course presents standardized basic concepts and brings all reimbursement systems down to a common denominator that simplifies and clarifies medical insurance. The procedures necessary to successfully file medical claims for reimbursement are covered. This course benefits those who are currently practicing medical assistants and students enrolled in medical-related programs.
Emphasis is on understanding medical terms. The logic behind the formation of medical terms, analysis of words, and interpretive and deductive skills are used. Terms associated with all anatomical systems are covered.
This course provides experience using an integrated software suite. Microsoft® Office applications are used to complete advanced word processing functions to prepare documents that integrate files from applications and the Internet. Topics include MS Office and Google Applications. This course uses these concepts and applications to solve realistic business problems. The project-based, real-world applications give students hands-on knowledge of these applications in the workplace.