Why study Early Childhood Certificate at FMCC
This program is designed for students who plan and want to learn the skills and develop the perspective needed for entry-level positions at institutions and agencies serving young children. It is also for in-service personnel who want to upgrade their skills, but do not want to undertake the academic courses required for the two-year Associate in Applied Science degree in Early Childhood. The program is flexible, so students may choose the courses and field experiences that are most appropriate to their interests and career goals.
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Career Pathways
Our region boasts a wide variety of career opportunities in the early childhood field. The positions presented are the most common career pathways FMCC graduates have taken and are just a sample of the many career possibilities.
The labor market and employer information are specifically presented for the Amsterdam, Gloversville, Capital District, and the Mohawk Valley regions. Salary information is based on estimates within the Capital District.

SALARY RANGE $23,920 - $58,580
Preschool teachers educate and care for children younger than age 5 who have not yet entered kindergarten.
56,300 openings for preschool teachers are projected each year, on average, over the decade. Preschool teachers typically work in public and private schools or childcare centers (bls.gov)

SALARY RANGE $22,449- $41,056
Attend to children at schools, businesses, private households, and childcare institutions. Perform a variety of tasks, such as dressing, feeding, bathing, and overseeing play. (bls.gov)
Over 4,000 expected jobs in the region in the next 10 years.
Salary information presented are estimates and can be different for each individual based on education, experience, and the specific employer.
Labor market data is based on 2021 estimates derived from Lightcast (Career Coach | Lightcast)
Some of Our Regional Employers
Our commitment to your career path goes beyond the classroom with continued expansion of hands-on internships, job shadowing, and job placement opportunities with over 50 regional business and organization exclusive partners, a career network of over 200 regional companies and organizations; plus Annual Job Fairs every Spring semester.

32 Credits
5,500+ JOBS
Program Insight
This program is designed to prepare students for immediate employment upon graduation. Job prospects in early childhood education are extremely favorable as state officials estimate New York will need more than 180,000 new teachers in the next decade (www.nysut.org).
Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to:
Explore issues related to Early Childhood in historical and current events.
Demonstrate knowledge of developmentally appropriate practice and embrace an anti-bias curriculum.
Demonstrate ability to prepare and present lesson and unit plans, including using arts and literature across the curriculum.
Apply theory to practice during practicum/student teaching experience.
Demonstrate knowledge of the importance of creating a healthy and safe environment for children.
Program Features
FMCC Playmates Child Care Center
Opportunity to complete your practicum working at this a high-quality, licensed and affordable program for children 6 weeks through 5 years of age.
Early Childhood Learning Lab
Receive hands-on experience in a simulated daycare room including instructional resources, reading materials, toys, food preparation, and more.
Children’s Literacy Community Initiative
Every year Early Childhood students have the opportunity to participate in the longest-running national literacy initiative in the country through a community service book drive project.
SUNY Workforce Scholarship
For students currently working in a licensed daycare facility or a family/group daycare program, there is a scholarship opportunity of up to $2,000. Apply at: PDI | Workforce Scholarship | Career Development Center (earlychildhoodny.org).
Educational Incentive Program (EIP) Scholarship
This scholarship opportunity of up to $7,000 helps child care providers pay for training and educational activities with the intent to build provider knowledge, skills, and competencies in order to improve the quality of child care. Eligibility and application information can be found at: PDP - EIP, Educational Incentive Program (albany.edu).

Internship Opportunities
Students have opportunities for an internship as part of their capstone practicum in Early Childhood. Many students have subsequently been hired by local and regional daycare centers and schools.

This program may allow students to earn digital badges which verifies the achievement of in-demand skills and competencies. SUNY FMCC continues to expand opportunities for students to become more marketable to employers.
Course Highlights
Course Catalog
SUNY FMCC offers its catalog online in a downloadable PDF document that makes information on programs, courses and policies most current and accessible, while reducing impact on the environment. Additional information is available on the College’s website and portal. To read and search the FMCC Catalog, you’ll need Adobe Reader version 7.0 or later.
2024-2025 FMCC CATALOGProgram Course Layout
This program coursework provides a basis for broad understanding of developmentally appropriate practice that is designed to address the needs of children across all domains. Here are just some examples.
This course addresses basic issues of safety, health, and nutrition in early childhood. It covers such topics as maintaining a safe and healthy environment, appropriate immunizations, recognizing signs of illness, and controlling communicable diseases in early childhood settings. The course includes documenting and reporting child abuse and maltreatment, and it stresses policy development that supports safe and healthy practices in early childhood programs.
This course introduces the theories and methods of planning, preparing, and delivering developmentally appropriate curriculum for young children. Students will focus on the role of the teacher in developing a curriculum across content areas that addresses the whole child. Students will create lessons that enhance a child’s cognitive, physical, social and emotional development.
An introductory course designed to meet the needs of pre-professionals and professionals who work with special needs children in the early childhood field. The course presents a practical approach to the identification of special-needs children, strategies, and practices—to facilitate inclusion in formal and informal settings—and a review of the resources available to professionals and parents.