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Club Meetings - Excellent way to get involved and have fun!

Club Meeting Schedule for Fall 2024 Semester

Ambassadors Meeting from 12-1pm, Monday March 24 in A117.
Art Guild Club Meeting from 12:00-1pm in room N117.
Hands for Animals Club Meeting from 12:00-1pm in room C109, every other Monday. 
Pride Society Club Meeting from 12-1pm in L201.
Student Nursing Association Meeting starts at 12:15pm in C006, First Monday of each month. 

Dance Club starts at 12:30pm in P107.
MISA Club Meeting starts at 12:45pm in room C137.
Student Activities Board (SAB) starts at 2pm in the Student Involvement Office, L100S, every other Tuesday.


Action in Recovery Club Meeting starts at 12:00pm in room L215.
Ambassadors Meeting at 12:15pm in the Student Union Large Lounge U104.
Pathways Club Meeting from 12pm-1pm in room C132, every other Wednesday.
Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Club Meeting from 12pm-1pm in room C217.
Sustainability and Think Peace Club Meeting from 12pm-1pm in room C139.
Wellness in Motion Club Meeting from 3pm-4pm in the PE Building.

Action in Recovery Club Meeting starts at 12:30pm in room L209, every other Thursday.
Pickleball starts at 12:30pm in small gym, P107.
PTK Meeting starts at 12:30pm in C217.

Gamers Club Meeting from 12pm-1pm in room C109.
Wall Street Club Meeting from 12pm-1pm in room C123 (FAM Financial Center). 
Wellness in Motion Club Meeting from 12pm-1pm in the PE Building.

For information on joining an existing club or starting a new one please contact the Student Involvement Office by email, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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